Our Business Model

With the support of Large Firm Sponsors and Small Business mentors,
our well-rounded program prepares recruits in their career transition.

Large Firm Sponsorship

Labor Sourcing

Large firms pay high recruitment fees to find talent for open roles.  What if that talent was handed to them and the recruitment fee could go to a good cause?

In exchange for sponsorship, HIRE2Build will provide large firms with resumes of our current talent, train and prepare them for a work transition, and guarantee their work with a small business mentor.


Small Business Mentors

Support Along the Way

An employee is partnered with a small business mentor who pairs well with their skill set and provides technical and emotional support as they transition into a new career.

Guaranteed Good Fit

The mentor communicates with the large firm and can provide specific feedback to the employee to increase job performance.  Should the employee be a poor fit, a replacement will be provided.

Small Business Exposure

By working with large firms and supporting a good cause, the small business will gain exposure through social media and other media outlets. Through sponsorship, small businesses gain important relationships with large firms.

Coaching & Certification

Hiring Coaches

HIRE2Build hires coaches in relevant fields to train employees on a variety of topics ranging from office roles, to software implementation, design, and general contracting.  These classes range from group to one-on-one sessions as applicable.

Online Materials

Online learning companies donate courses and specializations to facilitate foundational and advanced learning.  The companies gain exposure for giving back to the community.


In addition to a HIRE2Build certification, online course certifications are earned upon completion, providing multiple layers of legitimacy to the education process.


We’re seeking fiscal sponsorship.